Like the sensation of the wind blowing through your hair when you are riding a bike Hate wearing a helmet while riding a bike because you don’t want to have Helmet Hair Did you know that Helmet use reduces the risk of head injuries by 51%, the risk for serious...
Ever had your heart sink into the bottom of your socks when you heard a loud thud then a moment of silence followed by aloud crying It's every parent's nightmare to run into a room to find their little one lying on a floor face down crying because they...
Are you concerned about your baby's development Wondering if your child will ever walk Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists see babies and children who are delayed in their gross motor skills, with the goal of helping them achieve their best potential. The babies and...
Find yourself distracted from your goals by life’s chaos Some drama always seems to be happening so you find yourself constantly putting out fires instead of getting on top of things Everyone is familiar with the experience where you decide to achieve a goal and mapped out a plan...
Have you recently started experiencing headaches on a daily basis Or perhaps you have been putting up with chronic Headaches for years now Or maybe your Headaches are hormone related and come regularly once a month Often people stick with traditional treatments and managements such as medication, neck...
Be the change that You want to see happen in Your workd Inspire Your Children to Be the Change in their world! Everyday around you, you will see things that may be wrong, unfair or even unjust. Some things are as small as a piece of rubbish thrown...