Well, Guess What 🤔You don't have to swim to do Hydrotherapy🤗 Hydrotherapy is the use of water in the treatment of different conditions, including knee pain,🦵 back pain, shoulder pain, arthritis, even pre- and post surgery rehabilitation. Hydrotherapy differs from swimming because it involves special exercises...
Does your child 👶🏻have Erb’s Palsy which affected their arm Have you had a car accident 🚗which has affected the nerves in one arm If you know of anyone who has experienced the above scenarios or similar situations whereby they have an arm that is paralysed, be...
Not sure if you have headaches or migraines that alternate from side to side 🤔 Here are some examples: 1. Your head pain 🤕and symptoms are on the left side of your head, face and neck most of the time but has occasionally been present on the...
Did you have to wear a harness as a baby because you had clicky hips Worried that your baby has a clicky hips too If you answered yes to the above statements, then it is important you have your baby checked for developmental dysplasia of the hips. Developmental...
Been told you’ve got a calf strain 🧐 A calf strain is an injury involving one or more of the calf muscles and causes pain at the back of the lower leg.🦵 Calf strains are commonly seen in running sports such as ⚽️ soccer , 🏈rugby, netball...
😳Perhaps your baby has been receiving spinal adjustments and manipulations to correct their head tilt but it's not making any difference to the head tilt, except cause your baby extreme distress😭 Recently at My Favourite Physio, we met gorgeous 12 month old, 🧒Master P. Mum and...
Wondering if its 👨🦳”old age“ or Runner's Knee that is preventing you from peak performance 🤔 Runner’s knee refers to one of two common repetitive strain injuries of the knee, either iliotibial band syndrome (ITB) or patellofemoral syndrome (PFPS). Both usually affect runners, triathletes, hikers and...
Perhaps you are facing a challenge which feels like bigger than Ben-Hur and impossible to surmount ⛰ In moments like this, take heart and remember, you are not alone. 💪 For every situation you face, others have gone before you and have found a way forward....