Author: admin

Don't spend your time reflecting on what you can't do, what you haven't got, what you missed out on.😳 Rather, take stock of your successes and focus on your strengths. The more you reflect on what you can do, the more confident you'll be to...

1 in 20 kids faces a birth defect or genetic disease, like cancer, cystic fibrosis, and life-threatening metabolic disorders. That's 12 kids born every minute worldwide. Jeans for Genes Day is a fundraising initiative held in Australia each year. Jeans for Genes Day Australia focuses...

Studies have shown that bullying, at any age, is linked with worse mental and physical health, more depressive symptoms 😢and a lower sense of self-worth. Long-term bullying has a severe impact on a child's overall health, and the negative effects can accumulate and get worse...

It is important to know your own core values so that you can make wise decisions at each point in life while still remaining true to yourself.🤔 The trick is not to let your circumstances shape you into someone you don’t want to be, stopping...

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), is a group of chronic autoimmune inflammatory diseases that affect children 👧 and adolescents under the age of 16. It is the most common type of arthritis in children. Like other forms of arthritis, JIA involves inflammation of the joints, leading...