Author: admin

Tummy time is important for babies because it helps 👶🏻 to strengthen their neck muscles and to prevent a flatten head shape. The SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) guidelines indicate that babies should be on their backs to sleep to prevent SIDS and tummy to...

It's Winter ❄️ and the biting cold means we are dressing little ones in beanies and scarves 🧣 to keep them warm. However, few parents realise that hoodies and scarves are strangulation hazards in playground equipment. Although cases of accidental strangulation in children are rare, it...

Are you thinking 🤔 I can put up with the pain of headaches 🤕, but it's the frequency of headaches that's really stopping you in your tracks 😳 Headaches that come everyday for weeks in a row can really hinder your work and personal life😣 If...

Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓meet many families and children with Special Needs each day who come to see us to help their child learn to move better. One of questions we ask parents when we assess a child is "What...

Many parents of newborns have been marketing products as such "the "baby donut pillow",🍩 that are specially designed with an arc-shaped contour to help reduce the pressure on the back of your baby's head and help prevent Deformational Plagiocephaly, also known as Flat Head Syndrome." However,...

Low Back Pain in adulthood is one of the major public health problems in the world. It is also common among children and adolescents, with studies indicating that the lifetime prevalence of Low Back Pain in children and adolescents ranges from 9% to 69% and...