Photo Blogs

Most babies  will have a resting posture of their feet because they were curled up like a ball in Mummy's tummy. Often you will notice that baby's foot is either turned in or turned out.  That foot posture could be due to positioning in the womb or...

Developmental delay refers to a noticeable lag in a child's physical, cognitive, behavioural, emotional, or social development compared to established norms for their age. It can manifest in various areas such as gross motor skills where a child has difficulty in achieving gross motor milestones such...

However, the truth is baby's  thigh bone and shin bones are actually developing at the age between 12 months to 24 months where the thigh bone and shin bone are going to be bowed in relation to each other. So it's actually normal for baby's legs...

Here at MY Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists see many babies and children with various conditions to help them learn to roll, sit, crawl, pull to stand and walk. We expect to see progression and improvement on a daily basis and significant improvements every week when...

Tummy Time is essential for babies because it helps babies to learn to strengthen their neck and shoulder muscles to improve their head control. Tummy Time also helps prevent a flatten head shape in babies, as they are not spending all day lying on the back...

That's what our Headache and Migraine Physiotherapist can do for you! Not all Headaches  and Migraines are the same, and not all Physiotherapists are equal.  If you are tired of putting up with Headaches  and Migraines, ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to...

Did you know that Botox or botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) has been used for the past 25 years for reducing muscle spasticity in children with Cerebral Palsy? BoNT-A injection of the calf muscle (gastrocnemius muscle) for toe-walking in a child with hemiplegia or diplegia Cerebral Palsy...