
Did your baby need a Hip Ultrasound scan to check their hips Wondering if you are supposed to be doing something with those results In Australia, newborn babies are routinely checked at birth for Developmental Dysplasia of the the Hips (DDH) or commonly referred to as "click hips"....

Are you experiencing pain on the inside region of your elbow Are you losing strength in gripping due to the pain in your elbow If you answered yes to the above statements then you could have Golfer's Elbow! Golfer's Elbow or medial epicondylitis refers to the pain where...

Wondering when does a Headache become a Migraine Not sure if you have severe headaches or migraines  The International Headache Society uses the following criteria to classify a headache as a migraine when: (a) the head pain can be classified by at least two of the following:  one sided  moderate to severe  throbbing,...