
Been told that you need to stretch your neck muscles to reduce the stiffness and prevent your Headaches Maybe you instinctively keep trying to stretch until you "crack" your own neck  Did you know that over stretching can actually cause an increase in muscle spasm leading to...

Have you been told that strengthening your calf muscles is the only solution to overcoming your ankle pain Did you know that current research is now saying that isometric exercises like heel raise isn't actually the best option for overcoming ankle pain In the past, research studies...

Not sure if you should get a Baby Walker for your own baby Contrary to the name Baby Walker, research has shown that Baby Walkers do not help a baby learn to walk, instead the research shows that babies who did use Baby Walkers were slower...

Tried all types of therapies for that back pain and still struggling to straighten up to walk 6 months later Starting to feel depressed that life will never be the same again because of your back injury If you answered Yes to the above statements, you are...

Heard a snapping sound when you landed awkwardly at basketball Couldn't put your foot down to walk due to pain in your calf and heel If you answered YES to any of the above, you might have ruptured your Archilles Tendon The Achilles tendon, is a large ropelike...

Perhaps you are planning for a baby but you’re concerned about going without your medications  for headaches and migraines  Migraines in pregnancy can be a concern, especially if it occurs for the first time. However Migraines do not put a pregnancy at an increased risk. Migraines can change...