
🚶‍♂️Walking is movement pattern that many of us take for granted because we tend to do it subconsciously. However, Walking is a complex motor skill that involves a coordinated effort of multiple body systems. That's why here at My Favourite Physio, when our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists...

Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓see many babies and toddlers to help them learn to move better and learn to walk. One of the baby items which we strongly discourage 🙅‍♀️parents from using for their baby is a Jolly Jumper. Here are...

Here's 5 Top Tips to Beautiful Teeth 1. Start Cleaning Teeth Early –Babies and Toddlers 👶🏻 As soon as the first tooth appears start by wiping with a clean, damp cloth every day. When more teeth come through, switch to a small, soft toothbrush – but no...

Signs of concussion may not be obvious. They can be physical such as a headache 🤕 , but may also show in the way the child acts or feels. Parents should look for the following warning signs of concussion in children: headache 🤕 sleepiness 😴 feeling like they are...

Scoliosis is a condition which describes a curvature of the spine, and is believed to arise from a combination of genetic and environmental factors. While some cases of scoliosis deal with a stable degree of curvature in the spine, in other cases the degree of...

Don't spend your time reflecting on what you can't do, what you haven't got, what you missed out on.😳 Rather, take stock of your successes and focus on your strengths. The more you reflect on what you can do, the more confident you'll be to...

1 in 20 kids faces a birth defect or genetic disease, like cancer, cystic fibrosis, and life-threatening metabolic disorders. That's 12 kids born every minute worldwide. Jeans for Genes Day is a fundraising initiative held in Australia each year. Jeans for Genes Day Australia focuses...