Got a busy week ahead 😬 Have you planned for Me Time, where you stop and make time to recharge yourself 🧐

With all our 📱electronics, we have made it a habit to plug it in to recharge. Sadly, many of us don’t realise we can do the same for ourselves with a little rest.

If you need a little motivation to take a break, here are five benefits of rest that you might be surprised by:🧐
1. Rest reduces the risk of making mistakes at work because now that we’re rested and relaxed we are able to focus better.🤓
2. Rest reduces the risk of getting illnesses related to continuous stress on the body like migraine, 🤯hypertension and stomach ulcers.
3. Rest makes you a more friendly 😀person to be around with instead of snapping at everyone all the time because we’re tired.
4. Rest improves our psychological coping skills. Puts us in a good frame of mind 🧠for the job.
5. Rest facilitates better, healthier 🥗eating habits now that we’ve taken the time to slow it down.

Have you planned for Me Time to allow yourself to rest 🤨

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