04 Nov Have you been playing backyard soccer
with your child to keep them active during home isolation 
Is your child complaining of foot
pain with their soccer boots?
At My Favourite Physio, we often see children who complain of heel pain or foot
pain that is causing them to limp off the field after a game. The cause of their foot
pain is often a combination of the wrong footwear, running pattern, foot posture and training regime. It takes an Expert Paediatric Physiotherapist to be able to assess and determine the correct cause of your child’s foot or heel
Here are 3 Top Tips to help you pick the right soccer boots for your child:
1. Comfort is Everything
Comfort should be the number 1 focus when you are picking boots for your child. The goal is to ensure they fit properly so ask them to walk around in them to see if there are any areas of pressure when they are in the shop.
2. Getting the Right Size
As children are growing, it is important to ensure there is enough space for growth. Soccer boots should have about one little finger space between the toes and the front of the boot. Too much room, and your child will feel clumsy in the boots as their feet will tend to slip. Too little room and your child will feel pressure areas and complain of foot pain.
3. Getting the Right Style
For maximum performance, get a boot that suits your child’s style of play. Ask your child’s coach for advice and recommendations on boots that would be a good suit. Coaches tend to see many players each season and are aware of the boots currently being worn by the same age-group as your child.
For help with your child’s foot pain or heel pain, ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 to book a 15 minute FREE PHONE CONSULT with one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists today.
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#paedsphysio #kidsphysio