Are you working long hours 🕰 at your desk? Are you sitting or standing 🚶‍♀️in the same position for long hours? 😳

If this is the case stop ✋ and stretch your neck now!

Stretching your neck and getting out of sustained positions every hour can help relieve stress on your neck joints and muscles 💪 as well as allow you to correct your posture before resuming your tasks. Having an opportunity to correct your posture can help you overcome your neck 😳 pain and headaches!🤕 So start stretching now to see the difference!🚀🚀🚀Not sure what type of neck stretches to do to help relieve your neck stiffens, check out My Favourite Physio on our Facebook page for videos of neck stretches and strengthening exercises to help overcome neck pain and headaches!

If you are suffering from headaches and neck pain, despite doing regular stretches, don’t sit around putting up with it! Contact one of our Expert Physiotherapists at My Favourite Physio on 📱(02) 9790 4233 and let us help you overcome your headaches 🤕 and neck 😳 pain today.

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