Did your child come home sad 😢 today because they were bullied in school 🏫

😢Are you experiencing workplace bullying yourself or even schoolyard bullying😔 from parents in your child’s school

Bullying can happen in many forms, from name calling 🤬to exclusion of play and passive aggressive remarks at social events. It’s never nice ☹️to be at the receiving end of unkind words or behaviours. It is often hard for adults to cope with bullying and even worse for children 👧 and adolescents. Unfortunately, bullying does happen.

Here at My Favourite Physio, we believe in empowering 💪our families and clients who we see because we believe that Physiotherapy is not just about gross motor skills and the ability to run,🏃🏼‍♀️ hop, skip and jump. Physiotherapy is about empowering the children and adults we see to live their best potential, 😊enjoy active living without pain and to be able to participate within the community with peers and family.

We empower 💪our clients who face bullying by explaining that Bullies bully because of 3 Main Reasons:
1. Bullies feel threatened by your achievements and success; 🏆
2. Bullies are jealous of you, who you are, what you have and what you have achieved;👧
3. Bullies bring you down so they feel better about themselves.
Bullying is a result of issues the BULLY HAS and 🙅‍♀️NOT YOU, knowing this fact will help empower 💪the person who is being bullied.

We empower our clients to take the following Action steps to handle bullying at school,
1. ✋STOP, GO, TELL. Put your hand up and say “Stop, I don’t like it”, Move away from them, If the bully persists, Go and Tell a teacher. 👩‍🏫
2. Talk about what happened with your parents/trusted adult 👨rather than keep it inside yourself.
3. Keep focusing on your goals, don’t let the bullies distract you from living your best life! Keep winning at what you do best!🏆

For more information and support on bullying, go to https://education.nsw.gov.au/…/nsw…/parents-and-carers

#myfavouritephysio #stopgotell #nobullying #saynotobullying #paedsphysio #kidsphysio #physio #bankstown