Do you sometimes feel that you’re stuck in a bad situation and are seemingly powerless to change it? 

While it’s easy to sit back and complain about your circumstances, seeing 👀the problem as an opportunity for change takes real character. Sometimes you can’t change your situation, but you can change your perspective on it. 🧐

Perspective is the ability to understand what is important and what isn’t, and the capacity to view things in their true relationship or relative importance.🤓

George Bernard Shaw, the famous Irish-born playwright and critic, once said, “If a man sees with only one eye,👁 the world appears flat to him, objects and people become mere two-dimensional images. And he cannot discern any meaning in life beyond the crassness of superficial existence.
If he uses both eyes, 👀 he gains perspective and can perceive a third dimension of depth, ideas and activities assume relative importance and value, and he understands that there is now more than one way of living.
How deep his understanding and how acute his perception, then, if he sees through four or six or seven different eyes, 👀👀👀 each distinct and yet each focused on the same situation and the same conflict.”

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at often change.💪

What situation do you need to change your perspective on today? 🤔

#changeperspective #myfavouritephysio
#changeyourperception #newperspectives
#physio #physiotherapy #paedsphysio
#kidsphysio #beabetteryou #expectmore