Nagging Shoulder 😳 and Upper Back 😖 pain disrupting your sleep😴

Finding yourself waking up stiff with Shoulders and Neck 😖 Pain
Or are you ending your day feeling like you have the weight of the world sitting on your shoulders you can barely lift your arms 🏋️‍♂️

The computer and smartphone technological advancements has brought along it conveniences as well as an explosion of neck and upper back pain. This is the case for adults as well as children! 👧

Think of how much time 🕰 in your day is spent looking down at your phone or sitting at a desk for long periods! Often your nagging Shoulder and Upper Back 😖Pain is caused by having a poor posture wile at the desk 🖥 or when using your mobile devices 💻📱, leading to the weight of the head being carried forward straining both the head and neck junctions. 😳

The good news is itโ€™s possible to overcome your shoulder and upper back pain without medications! Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists🤓 are able to carry out a thorough assessment of your shoulder and upper back pain to determine the cause of your pain. We then design an individualised treatment program to help you become pain free 🤗 to get back to active living!

Love to get rid of that nagging Shoulder and Upper Back 😳 Pain? Then ring My Favourite Physio 📱on (02) 9790 4233 to make an appointment to see one of our Expert Physiotherapists today or PM us on Facebook or Instagram My Favourite Physio!

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