Have you been told that you have a slipped disc or disc bulges in your lower back 

Are you worried about “popping” a disc each time you bend over to pick up something 😳
Do you feel like your Low Back ☹️ Pain is now traveling up to your Upper Back and Shoulders 😣 because you are so worried about twisting your lower back 😳

Well the GOOD NEWS is 1. Slipped discs or bulging discs can be repositioned with Physiotherapy using the correct techniques and exercises 💪 2. Often low back pain isn’t due to the “slipped disc” that was found on a scan but more because of the muscle tightness and spasms in the lower back, joint stiffness, poor posture and weak tummy muscles that isn’t supporting your lower back.😳 3. Effective and long term relief from Low Back Pain and prevention of secondary pain in the Upper Back and Shoulders is possible through a individualised tailored Physiotherapy program. 🚀🚀🚀

Here at My Favourite Physio, our team of Expert Physiotherapists see many people with Back Pain and have been able to successfully relief acute and chronic Low Back 😳 Pain to help them get back to active living! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

So if you are sick of waking up with Back Pain again, why not reach out to one of our Expert Physiotherapists at My Favourite Physio📱 on (02) 9790 4233 or PM us on Facebook or DM us on Instagram at Myfavouritephysio. Ask about our 📣 GAP FREE NEW PATIENT OFFER and experience Our 3 Step Back Pain Solutions Session today!

#backpain #myfavouritephysio
#backpainrelief #beabetteryou
#backpainsucks #physiotherapy
#bankstown #physio