Wondering why your shoulder clicks when you move your arm in a certain direction  Or maybe you find that you get a sharp pain when your shoulder clicks as you reach for a cup of  coffee

The clicking in the shoulder with movement can be a result of the arm bone and shoulder blade rubbing together or the shoulder muscle tendon jumping over the arm bone or muscles and ligaments rubbing against the shoulder bones. 🤔

The clicking actually indicates that there is instability 😳 in the shoulder joint as it is not aligned well during movement and not moving optimally due to poor muscle activation and control.

Shoulder instability 😓 is a very common issue in the shoulder that occurs in both sedentary and sporting population. It is often because of past injuries, muscle imbalance and acute injuries (e.g. dislocations). 🤕

If Shoulder Instability is not fixed and allowed to continue for long periods you can end up damaging 😳 your shoulder joint further leading to a secondary problem, such as loss in shoulder movement and function, and worsening pain symptoms.

At My Favourite Physio, our Physiotherapists are experts in the assessment and treatment of shoulder pain and shoulder instability, and we have been able to successfully help many clients overcome their shoulder pain and instability to return to active living! 💪

It is crucial that you receive the correct diagnosis for your shoulder clicking 🤔 and therefore receive the correct treatment. So, stop suffering from a painful and “clicky” shoulder and get it fixed now! Call My Favourite Physio now on (02) 9790 4233 to book an appointment with one of our Expert Physiotherapists today!

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