15 Nov Have you been told to stretch your bottom muscles to help relief your hip pain
Been doing regular stretching but not getting any relief for your hip pain
People are often taught that stretching is a great way of releasing muscle tightness and maintaining good muscle flexibility. Stretching is suggested by many health professionals and sports trainers. However, it is important to understand that for some conditions and injuries stretching too early can actually do more harm than good!
Gluteal tendinopathy (Tendinitis of the buttock muscle) is considered one of the common causes of lateral hip pain. Symptoms of Gluteal tendinopathy includes buttock pain that goes around the side of the hip and down the side of the thigh to the knee, pins and needles or numbness down the leg.Gluteal tendinopathy occurs when the tendon is compressed which occurs when sitting crossed legged or when stretching the hip joint so the the knee is pulled across the midline if the body.
Compression of the gluteal tendon is the key cause of lateral hip pain and should be avoided!
However, most therapists tend to prescribe stretches such as the piriformis stretch, ITB stretch and the Pigeon pose to treat lateral hip pain and gluteal tendinopathy in the early phase of Gluteal tendinopathy!
All of which may create painful, compressive load on the gluteal tendon. These stretches can actually aggravate the tendon in the hip joint and cause more lateral hip pain in the early phase.
The key to successful treatment and rehabilitation of lateral hip pain in the early phase of treatment is to actually allow the tendons time to heal and to manage the inflammation and swelling in the tendon before stretching to avoid further aggravation of the tendon injury!
So, if you have lateral hip pain and have been stretching without experiencing any improvements in your hip pain ring My Favourite Physio on
(02) 9790 4233 or PM Myfavouritephysio on Facebook or Instagram to speak to one of our Expert Physiotherapists today!
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