Have you got a little one
with Down syndrome and you’re wondering what’s their future going to be like
Here at My Favourite Physio, we have had the wonderful privilege to be a part of Ms N’s journey. We first met Ms N when she was 5 months old and she has Down Syndrome. Her parents were wonderful and deeply committed to ensuring that she lived her full potential with all the Early Intervention we could offer her. Working with her family, we were able to help her achieve all her gross motor milestones as expected for a typically developing child. Despite needing to take 6 weeks off for a major heart surgery, Ms N managed to achieve independent walking by 16 months old!
Well within the expected age of 18 months old to achieve independent walking in typically developing children.
During Physiotherapy Early Intervention, one activity was Harnessed Treadmill Walking, where we had Ms N on our Treadmill and Harnessed to strengthen her core muscles and leg muscles to learn to walk. As she walked, we read books to her because we believed that it’s important to encourage all aspects of a child’s development. We worked on eye contact, turn taking and encouraged vocalisation to sound out words.
Fast forward, Ms N is now 5 years old and started Kindergarten in a mainstream school and she loves reading! Her mum shared with us a video of Ms N sitting at the table and reading a book with sentences from cover to cover!
Her words were clear and easily understood! This is not just an exceptional achievement for a child with Down syndrome, it is an EXCEPTIONAL ACHIEVEMENT for a child! Many children in Kindergarten is struggle to recognise the alphabets and would not be able to recognise words more less read in sentences with just 2 terms in school!
So if you have a child with Down Syndrome and you have been told that your child will not walk until 4 years old or need Special School when they grow up, ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists.
We would love to help you create your Little One’s Success Story today!