As you get into your car  each day, can you check your blind spot easily

Finding it easier to turn your head to one side to look 👀at your blind spot easier than the other😳
Perhaps you are avoiding driving 🚗too far because you are nervous driving when you can’t easily turn to check your bling spots 😳

If you answered yes to any of the statements above, then you are likely to have a stiff and painful 😣 neck. For some people, having a painful stiff neck is a new thing and literally only happened this morning when they woke up 😮 For others, it’s been a recurrent ongoing problem for months or even years😳 and unfortunately getting worse with time.

Here at My Favourite Physio, we see many people with neck pain, ranging from acute neck 😣pain that is one day old to chronic neck 😳 pain that is 10 years old, and we get great results for each person 😊. The key to successfully overcoming neck pain is first diagnosing the cause of the neck pain correctly. Many clients tell us that they have tried many different treatment options ranging from regular massages, cupping, acupuncture, medications and bought many types of pillows with only limited effectiveness on their neck 😳 pain.

So if that sounds like you, and you’ve resigned yourself to living with a painful stiff neck, why not consider trying out Physiotherapy here at Favourite Physio! 🤓
Our Expert Physiotherapists use a 3 Step Neck 😣Pain Elimination System to assess, diagnose and treat neck 😳 Pain in the first session. Depending on what we find, we offer treatment options such as Radial Shockwave Therapy, Soft Tissue Massage, Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound, K-Taping, Watson Headache Approach and much more.🤗

To find out how our Expert Physiotherapists can help you overcome your neck pain, ring My Favourite Physio on 📱(02) 9790 4233 or PM us on Facebook to speak to one of our Expert Physiotherapists today! 🤓

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