16 Nov You Are Stronger Than Those Who Detract From You
Every person would have experienced being teased or bullied at some point in their lives.
Bullying can come in many forms ranging from outright discrimination and abuse to subtle sarcastic remarks or passive aggressive attitudes or looks. It is always harder when one sees the bullying happening to one’s child and to see a child
come home crying and hurting is every parent’s worst heartache.
Oh to be able to sweep them up in your arms and protect them from the mean and nasty bullies of this world!
Unfortunately, we can’t stop bullies being bullies, we can’t reason with prejudiced and unreasonable mindsets. What we can do is empower our children to be strong and to stand strong. We ourselves need to be strong emotionally, mentally and physically to be able to deal with the detractors of this world. We can role model to our children that all we need to do is to focus on our own race, set our eyes on our goals and chase it with all our hearts regardless of what others think.
If your child wants to be a ballerina , or a soccer player
or a scientist,
tell them they can do it. Support them and equip them with the resources and the people who can help them learn the skills and achieve their goals. Nothing is impossible with hard work and practice. Success doesn’t come without sacrifice. And one day they will stand tall and proud of what they have achieved, the person that they have become.
Unfortunately, success does breed contempt. Even when you succeed, there’s always still going to be bullies and mean people who want to detract from you and bring you down. So rise up, be strong know that it is not you who has the issues. It is their issues and their insecurities that spurs them to be bullies.
Don’t give in to them, don’t give them the time of the day. Move on by them, lift your head high and know that you will not lower yourself to their level.
#stopbullying #myfavouritephysio #youarestrong #CPwarrior #paedsphysio #kidsphysio #bankstown