It’s New Year’s Eve!! Where did the whole year go?

It’s time to review, appreciate and celebrate your year with the people who matters most in your life. 🥰 Here at My Favourite Physio, we want to take a moment to remember those who have experienced challenges and loss in 2021, our thoughts are with you and your families.😢 For those who faced trials and overcame them to come out of the end of the tunnel stronger and braver than ever, we salute you.💪 You are an inspiration to all. For those who strove hard against all odds to achieved what others said was not possible, we are so proud of you. ☺️We are here to keep cheering you on! For those who had a year of wins and celebrations, we celebrate 🥳with you! The best is yet to come in 2022! 🚀🚀🚀

We wish all our wonderful clients, families and supporters a Fabulous New Year! Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you next year! 🎉🎉🎉

#2021 #happynewyear #myfavouritephysio #kidsphysio #paedsphysio #physio #physiotherapy #bankstown #beabetteryou #thebestisyettobe