Life can get so busy each day with all the tasks that screams  for your attention

Life can get so busy each day with all the tasks that screams 😓 for your attention – assignments and projects with deadlines, errands and jobs to complete, even daily routines like school runs, cooking, cleaning and feeding the family are activities that need your attention each day. 😳 In a blink of an eye, days melt into weeks and months and then years.👵🏻 Along the way, you forget to look after Number 1 – YOU. 🥇

Never making time for yourself, ignoring the niggling aches and 😳 pain each day because something else or someone else needed your attention. Neglecting yourself to serve others means that you are not being the BEST version of you. Being tired, lacking energy and being in pain means that you are more impatient, grumpy 😡 and even short tempered at your loved ones around you. Remember this is not your PRACTICE life, so it’s important to make the best of it by being the BEST you today! 💪

Start by looking after yourself TODAY. Make time ⏱ for yourself, it can be having a bath to soak your aching muscles, or having a coffee ☕️ date with friends to relax and laugh a little. 😁 If you have been putting up with 😳 pain, then make an appointment to have it properly assessed and treated. Ring 📱My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 to speak to one of our Expert Physiotherapists to find out if Physiotherapy is the solution to helping you become painfree and on your way to being the BEST you today.

#beabetteryou #myfavouritephysio
#thisisnotyourpracticelife #physio
#physiotherapy #lookafteryourself