17 Mar Have you been told that children with Down syndrome don’t walk until 4 years old so don’t expect too much from your children with Down Syndrome
Have you been told that children with Down syndrome don’t walk until 4 years old so don’t expect too much from your children with Down Syndrome
Down syndrome is characterised by low muscle tone and hypermobile joints. However, this does not mean that children with Down Children will be delayed and not walk until 4 years old.
Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists see many babies with Down syndrome and have often helped many children learn to walk by 18 months old, achieving the same gross motor skills milestones as typically developing babies who do not have Down Syndrome.
The key to achieving great outcomes is Early Intervention. When our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists see babies with Down Syndrome under the age of 6 months, we are able to help them learn to walk independently by 18 months old or earlier. When a child with Down Syndrome comes to see our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapist
and they are already older than 18 months, then we are committed to helping them achieve independent walking in 6 months.
With effective and intensive Early Intervention, there is no reasonwhy children with Down Syndrome cannot walk by 18 months old like their typically developing peers.
If you have a child with Down Syndrome and you are concerned that they are not yet rolling, sitting, crawling or walking, Ring My Favourite Physio
on (02) 9790 4233 to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists
to find out how we can help your child achieve their gross motor skills milestones today!
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