19 May Do you experience cramps in your legs when running
Do you experience cramps in your legs when running
Are leg cramps holding you back from living the active lifestyle you want
One of the most common complaints of calf pain is cramps. A cramp is when your muscles suddenly spasms and you feel a sharp pain in your calf muscles as they tighten and pull your foot into a tip toe position.
The cramp can last from a few seconds to 10 minutes. After the cramping has passed, you may have pain and tenderness in your leg for several hours after. Calf muscle cramps might happen if you have been doing new exercises,
if you are dehydrated, or if you are deficient in some minerals. Cramps normally go away quite quickly by themselves.
Chronic calf cramps however, can put a limit to your activities and hold you back from performing at your best. One of the causes of chronic calf cramps is an old untreated muscle strain.
Usually people will recall having strained their calf muscle because they felt a sudden pain in the calf, and feeling a pop, snap or tear.
They would recall feeling their calf was stiff and weak after that and some even notice bruising on the calf after 1 or 2 days. But they often didn’t have the muscle strain actively treated at the time of the injury, thinking it will settle and go away. Over time
the calf muscle does heals itself, but with scar tissue that affects the muscles ability to contract properly and results in chronic calf muscle spasms
and cramps when they try to run or exercise.
So every time you try to play your sport or run fast, the calf muscle cramps up and a sharp pain stops you in your track!
If that sounds like you and you are sick of not being able to perform at your best – The good news
is chronic calf muscle pain can be treated effectively with Physiotherapy! Ring
My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to find out how we can help you overcome your calf pain and get you back to peak performance today!
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