19 May Have you been experiencing knee pain when performing squats
Have you been experiencing knee pain when performing squats Have you seen Physiotherapists, Chiropractors and Massage Therapists for your knee pain, but haven’t be able to get any relief and now your knee pain is really affecting your form at the gym
If you answered yes to the above statements, you are not alone. Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists, often see young adults with knee pain who report that they have knee pain only when performing certain activities while at all other times they are pain free and extremely active. Many of them would have seen several different therapists, reporting that nothing has worked.
Fortunately, our Expert Physiotherapists have been able to help them overcome their knee pain with our Knee Pain Solution Treatment Program.
The secret behind the our success lies in the following 3 Key Areas that our Expert Physiotherapists address:
1. Reducing swelling in the knee joint. Often knee pain is accompanied by swelling in the knee joint at the front of the knee around the kneecap or behind the knee in the crease of the knee joint. The swelling is often chronic and due to repeated inflammation in the tendons and ligaments around the knee joint.
2. Reduce muscle tightness in the muscles above the knee joint. Often the quadriceps and hamstring muscles are tight from overuse rather than lack of exercise. At My Favourite Physio, we use Radial Shockwave Therapy to target specific muscle knots to release the muscle tightness and promote soft tissue recovery to help relief knee pain.
3. Reduce muscle tightness in the muscles below the knee joint. The gastros and soleus muscles insert into the back of the knee joint and they are often the cause of knee pain inside the knee joint. This is the most overlooked muscle group when it comes to treating knee pain. Often foam rolling alone is not sufficient to release the calf muscles.
So if you are struggling with knee pain, reach out to My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Physiotherapists today! We would to help you overcome that knee pain to improve your form in the gym today!