FRIYAY WINS!! It’s Friday! Don’t forget to stop to celebrate your Wins Big and Small!
Sometimes you need to look back at where you have been to know how far you have come to realise how amazing your win is! This is one of our Superstars who learned to crawl 4.5 months into starting Physiotherapy with our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists. He went from not being able to sit by himself to sitting independently by himself without falling over, to crawling on his hands and knees independently and to now be walking with a simple walker or with support to his hips!
At My Favourite Physio, our focus is on helping our little ones become the best that they can be! As we work on strengthening tummy muscles,
arms and legs so little ones
learn to roll, sit, crawl, pull to stand and walk, we also make sure we help them learn to use their hands to play as well as to learn to use words to request for toys. This Superstar went from saying one word phrases to now speaking 3-4 word sentences. We love seeing our little ones improve their fine motor skills, speech and language skills along with their gross motor skills!
When we look back at this photo, it reminds us of how we celebrated then when he learnt to crawl, but also reminds us how far we have come when we look at him now! What’s your win for the week? Comment Below so we can celebrate your FRIYAY WINS too!
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