02 Jun Struggling to get full range of motion in your knee after having had Total Knee Replacement Surgery
Struggling to get full range of motion in your knee after having had Total Knee
Replacement Surgery
Wondering what else can you do to get better movement in your knee after Total Knee Surgery
If you answered YES to any of the above statements, then you need to read on to find out the 3 things that we do here at My Favourite Physio
to help our clients regain full movement in their knee after a Total Knee Replacement Surgery.
1. Scar Tissue Management
After Surgery, scar tissue forms around the incision line in the front of the knee joint as part of the healing process. The scar tissue adheres to the skin, muscle and joint which limits the movement of your knee. Physiotherapy can help resolve the scar tissue using a combination of Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound and Soft Tissue Massage.
2. Swelling Management
After Surgery, there is swelling in the knee due to the scale of the surgery. Swelling continues to occur in the knee joint for months and may be worse with activity in the first 6 months. When the knee joint is swollen, it limits the movement of your knee. Left untreated, the swelling then becomes scar tissue as your body tries to heal itself. Physiotherapy can help reduce swelling in the knee joint using a combination of Effleurage Massage, Calf and Knee Exercises as well as Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound.
3. Muscle Tightness
After Surgery, due to the fear of pain or pain itself, many people are reluctant to move or bend their knee. As a result, the muscles around the knee joint becomes tight and shortened, making it harder to bend or straighten the knee completely. Physiotherapy can help reduce the muscle tightness by using Radial Shockwave Therapy and Manual Therapy to relief muscle knots and increase muscle length to allow more movement in the knee joint.
So if you are struggling to regain full active pain free movement in your knee after a Total Knee Replacement Surgery, Ring My Favourite Physio now on (02) 9790 4233 or PM us on Facebook, so that one of our Expert Physiotherapists can help you today!
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