Experiencing shoulder pain that sits on the front of your shoulder and shoots down into your arm

🥴Experiencing shoulder pain that sits on the front of your shoulder and shoots down into your arm
🤔Wondering what can you do at home to reduce that shoulder and prevent it

Shoulder pain affects almost a quarter of people in the Australian community, with a significant detrimental impact on health-related quality of life and physical functioning.😬 There are a multiple causes for shoulder pain, including rotator cuff injuries, arthritis, biceps tendinitis, shoulder dislocations and fractures.

One of the most common mistake people make with their shoulder pain is that the initial signs of shoulder pain are either ignored or incorrectly managed, aggravating their shoulder condition. Often times, people tend to ignore their shoulder pain until it starts to impact their function, where they are unable to lift their arm up higher than shoulder height to comb their hair or to dress themselves easily. 😣

The key to overcoming shoulder pain lies in having the correct diagnosis for your shoulder pain in order to have the correct treatment for your specific shoulder pain. However, prevention is always better than cure. So, here are 3 Key Strategies that you can implement at home to help reduce your shoulder pain

🔑1. Ice your shoulder to reduce the inflammation and swelling that is occurring around the biceps tendons at the front of your shoulder. Do not use heat packs, as they cause more swelling and inflammation.

🔑2.Stretch your shoulder muscles regularly, especially the pectoral muscles on the front of chest that inserts into the front of your shoulder. A great pectoral muscle stretch is placing both arms along a door frame in a “hands up” pose and leaning forward through the doorway.

🔑3. Strengthen the muscles on the back of your shoulders, so that your shoulder blades remain flat against your back placing your shoulder joint into a neutral alignment. A great exercise is using a Theraband for shoulder retraction exercises.

For more help to overcome your shoulder pain, reach out to My Favourite Physio on 📱(02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Physiotherapists today.