29 Jul 22nd July 2022 is National Pyjama Day!!
22nd July 2022 is National Pyjama Day!! National Pyjama Day is all about wearing your favourite and comfiest Pyjamas or onesie to work or school to help raise funds and awareness for children in foster care.
The aim of of the day is to raise as much funds as possible for The Pyjama Foundation’s Love of Learning Program which is offered to children in foster care.
The Pyjama Foundation’s Love of Learning Program is a one-on-one mentoring scheme where volunteers are recruited, screened, trained and matched with a child in care.
Together, the mentor, called a “Pyjama Angel” and child spend time together each week (for up to an hour a week) reading, writing,
and focusing on educational based games – with the goal of improving the child’s learning and life trajectory.
Without support and early intervention, many children in foster care go through a cycle of disadvantage; many kids in care don’t end up finishing school and can either end up homeless, unemployed, a new parent or enter the juvenile justice system.
To break this cycle of disadvantage, education is crucial – so The Pyjama Foundation’s mission it to ensure as many foster kids as possible receive that one-on-one learning support that they don’t often receive in a school-based setting.
With the money raised from National Pyjama Day, you’ll be helping us offer learning skills to more than 1000 children, fund educational resources and help provide stable, positive relationships. So this July put on your favourite PJ’s, make a donation, and get your friends/colleagues involved! To find out more visit www.nationalpyjamaday.com
Together we can make a different for children in foster care!
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