29 Jul Experiencing dizziness, light headedness, unsteadiness and feeling off balance after a Whiplash neck injury
Experiencing dizziness, light headedness, unsteadiness and feeling off balance after a Whiplash neck injury
Whiplash neck injury is one of the top common injury that occurs after a car accident or even on Bumper car rides and Rollercoaster rides at Fun Parks. Did you know as many as 75% of Whiplash neck injured patients experience symptoms of dizziness, light headedness, unsteadiness and feeling unbalanced?
Studies have shown that symptoms of sensorimotor impairment such as dizziness, blurry vision, unsteadiness often occur alongside neck pain in a majority of acute and chronic neck pain patients. This is because the muscles in the neck
have a connection to the visual and vestibular systems in our body.
In addition, research has shown that neck pain and and whiplash neck injury patients have decreased neck muscle control, altered eye movements
and reduced postural control.
Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists use the latest evidence based research
to inform our treatment program to help you overcome your neck pain and get you back to active living. What this means is that we routinely assess the sensorimotor system when we assess anyone with neck pain or Whiplash neck injury by assessing:
– proprioception (awareness of neck joint),
– oculomotor control (eyes), and
– postural stability
So if you are experiencing neck pain, Whiplash neck injury, dizziness or visual disturbances, and you would like to get back to active living, ring My Favourite Physio
on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to book an appointment with one of our Expert Physiotherapists