29 Jul Have you been told that children with Down Syndrome will be delayed in their gross motor skills, fine motor skills and speech and language skills
Have you been told that children with Down Syndrome will be delayed in their gross motor skills, fine motor skills and speech and language skills
Have you been told not to expect too much from children with Down Syndrome and at best they can expect to carry out simple jobs as adults
If you answered yes to any of the above statement, then you need to read on! Here at My Favourite Physio, we believe that with the right Early Intervention, children with Down Syndrome
are capable of achieving their gross motor skill milestones like typically developing children. In fact, we believe that children with Down Syndrome
are able to achieve anything they and their families aspire for them, be it becoming a world class dancer, a renown artist, a teacher, an actor, a model or a politician. The possibilities are endless.
The key to achieving life’s full potential for a child with Down Syndrome is the same as for any other typically developing child. We first must start with a dream to aim for. Then we invest the time
and energy towards achieving that dream using short term and long term goals. Every time we achieve a goal, we reset and establish a higher goal. Repeat frequently and persistently for a life time.
How we exactly implement the above steps to achieving a successful life will vary with every child. Children with Down Syndrome do require more support with consistent intensive practice with tasks because of their low muscle tone. They do need a team of Expert Peadiatric Therapists and Specialist Doctors along the way to help guide their family and support each child as they may have some medical conditions associated with Down Syndrome which requires monitoring and management. Other than that, there is no reason to assume that
children with Down Syndrome are not capable of achieving developmental milestones at the same rate as typically developing children.
If you have a child with Down Syndrome and you would love to see your child live to their full potential, ring My Favourite Physio
on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists today.