What are your WINS for the week? 

What are your WINS for the week? 🏆

Don’t spend your time reflecting on what you can’t do, what you haven’t got, what you missed out on.😳 Rather, take stock of your successes and focus on your strengths. The more you reflect on what you can do, the more confident you’ll be to face new situations.

This week at My Favourite Physio our client WINS includes:

1 little one who learned to crawl on his hands and knees independently! 2 little ones who are learnt to walk independently and get up from the floor by themselves! 2 little toddlers who learnt to walk with their heels down through having serial casting to correct tip toe walking!🚀🚀🚀

2 adult clients experiencing effective relief of their Headache and Migraine symptoms! 2 adult clients who experienced relief from their heel and ankle pain! 😊🚀🚀🚀

Each client will now feel more confident to take the next step towards their goal and our team of Expert Physiotherapists are there to help support them each step of the way! 🔥 🔥 🔥

Comment below with your WIN for the Week, so we can help celebrate with you today! 🎉

#winning #myfavouritephysio #babysteps
#beabetteryou #headaches #paedsphysio #headacherelief #migraines #babyphysio #tensionheadacherelief #physio #physiotherapy #bankstown #kidsphysio