21 Sep Are you experiencing pain on the inside region of your elbow
Are you experiencing pain on the inside region of your elbow
Are you losing strength in gripping due to the pain in your elbow
If you answered yes to the above statements then you could have Golfer’s Elbow!
Golfer’s Elbow or medial epicondylitis refers to the pain where the tendons of your forearm muscles attach to the bony bump on the inside of your elbow. The pain might spread into your forearm and wrist. Although the condition is termed Golfer’s Elbow, you do not have to play golf to experience it! In fact, the majority of people have Golfer’s Elbow do not play golf! It commonly happens to people who perform repetitive tasks that involves gripping with your palm turned up like when holding a golf club and performing a swing to hit a golf ball. Manual workers who use spanners or screwdrivers while at work, housewives who perform scrubbing
and cleaning tasks and athletes who play racquet sports
or golf commonly experience Golfer’s Elbow.
Golfer’s elbow pain tends to be worse on the inside of the elbow on the bony bump, and can shoot upwards into the bicep region, or down to the forearms and wrist. When Golfer’s Elbow gets more severe, a loss of strength in gripping occurs. A common complaint is dropping cups and newspaper due to the the sharp shooting pain.
No scans are required to diagnose Golfer’s Elbow. Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists perform specific clinical tests to correctly diagnose Golfer’s elbow. Golfer’s Elbow can be successfully treated using a variety of treatment techniques including hands on therapy like soft tissue release, joint mobilisations and Radial Shockwave Therapy. Once Golfer’s Elbow pain is reduced, it is important to strengthen
the arm muscles with an individually customised Exercise Programs to correct the alignment and posture of the elbow during tasks to prevent Golfer’s Elbow pain from reoccurring and allow you sports and work pain free.
So if you are experiencing elbow pain in the inside of your elbow and is struggling to keep a grip on objects, ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to book in an appointment with one of our Expert Physiotherapists today!