07 Oct 7th of October is Grow’s annual Odd Socks Day!
7th of October is Grow’s annual Odd Socks Day!
Grow is a community-based organisation that has helped tens of thousands of Australians recover from mental illness through a unique program of mutual support and personal development. And Odd Sock Day is Grow’s annual National Mental Health Anti-Stigma Campaign. On this day, Grow asks all supporters to help stamp out the stigma of mental health by wearing their Odd
Socks and start the conversation about everyone’s mental health.
Ways you can make a difference:
Be a Friend – be there for others, during the ordinary and extraordinary
Be Brave – don’t tolerate discrimination or the stigma
Be Open – share your experiences
Be Informed – know the truth and dispel the myths
Be Good to Yourself – recognise the need for self-care
This year Grow Australia is partnering with Odd Sock Mob, an Adelaide sock company that designs odd socks! For every online purchase, Odd Sock Mob will donate a percentage to Grow Australia. So, this Odd Socks Day, get involved in the fight against stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness by:
1. Hosting an event on OSD on or around 7th October 2022
Host a fundraising event at your school, office or with your friends. Meet up, take a photo and then post it to social media – don’t forget to use # so Grow can find you!
2. Donate or Fundraise
Donate or fundraise to help provide safe communities for Australians to recover their mental health.
3. Purchasing a pair of socks
If you purchase odd socks during October from our partners Odd Sock Mob, they’ll donate a percentage to GROW for Odd Socks Day
For more information, go to https://grow.org.au/oddsocksday/
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