07 Oct Experiencing recurrent back pain despite trying to watch your posture and maintaining regular exercise regimes
Experiencing recurrent back pain despite trying to watch your posture
and maintaining regular exercise regimes
Did you know that having a curvature in your spine can contribute to recurrent back pain
Scoliosis refers to the curvature that develops in the spine causing the spine to bends sideways and rotates along its vertical axis. Scoliosis is the most common spinal deformity in children. About 1 in 15 Australian girls develop some scoliosis during their growing period between 9 to 14 years, usually a year before they start menstruating. Scoliosis is less common in boys,
and commonly develops a year before puberty. Scoliosis alone, generally does not affect life span and so children will grow into adulthood with their scoliosis.
Research on the relationship between scoliosis and back pain has been conflicting and there is not conclusive evidence that people with scoliosis have increased incidence of back pain than the general population who do not have scoliosis.
Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists see many people who complain of recurrent back pain, who report that despite trying different types of exercises and therapies they struggle to overcome their back pain. When we carry out a full assessment of their spine and their back pain, we would often find that these people have a mild scoliosis in their spine which they were not aware of. Occasionally, we would find that a person with back pain has moderate scoliosis. In our experience, we find that depending on the severity of the curvature of the spine, and the type of work or activity that the person engages, back pain can be more frequent and recurrent in people with scoliosis. Having the right diagnosis for your back pain is important because it will ensure that we can then tailor an individualised treatment plan to help you overcome your recurrent back pain.
So if you are experiencing recurrent back pain and would like help to overcome your back pain to get back to active painfree living, ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 to find out how our Expert Physiotherapists can help you overcome your recurrent back pain today!