07 Oct Shin splints stopping you from running
Shin splints stopping you from running
Tried stretching before you run to prevent shin splints but it’s not working
The term “shin splints” is commonly used to describe the pain felt along the front of your lower leg, at the shin bone. The pain is often described as sharp and razor-like or dull and throbbing.
The pain can occur both during and after an activity like running. Most people may not notice but there is often some swelling along the lower half of the shin bone near the ankle. The pain is often reproduced by touching the muscle along the shin bone. Your doctor may refer to the condition as medial tibial stress syndrome.
Shin splint is a common overuse sports injury in running and jumping athletes who make training errors, especially when they overload or when they run too fast for their potential. This injury can also be related to changes in the training program, such as an increase in distance, intensity and duration.
The causes of Shin Splint include:
Running on a hard or uneven surface
Inappropriate running shoes with poor shock absorption capacity
Bio mechanical abnormalities of the foot such as arch abnormalities,
Over pronation of the foot (rolling in of the foot) and
Unequal leg length.
There are many possible causes and factors that can contribute to shin splints which is why simply trying to stretch before you run is not preventing your shin splints from occurring. To effectively overcome shin splints it is important to correctly determine the cause of your shin splint. Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists carry out a 3 Step Assessment Process to determine exactly what is contributing to your shin splints and then design a specific Treatment Plan for you to help you overcome your shin splints for good!
So if you are frustrated with shin splints stopping you from running, ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio today to book an appointment with one of our Expert Physiotherapists.We love to help you get back to running at your best without shin splints!
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