27 Oct Do you ever get told to sit up and look straight when you take photos
Do you ever get told to sit up and look straight when you take photos
Have you noticed that your Driver’s License Photo have you tilting your head to one side
Do you experience neck pain and headaches regularly on the one side of your neck
If you answered YES to the above statements, then you might have an undiagnosed Torticollis as a baby which wasn’t treated and has now left you with a permanent tilt in your head and neck pain. To determine if you have Torticollis complete the check list below:
o Your head always tilt to one side at your resting position in sitting.
o You can turn your head easily to one side more than the other.
o Your neck muscles feel tight and stiff on one side more than the other.
o You can bring your ear to shoulder easily to one side more than the other.
o You get headaches and neck pain always on one side more than the other.
If you ticked one or more of the statements above, then you could have Torticollis that is the underlying cause for your neck pain and stiffness. Torticollis is caused by the abnormal development of the Sternocleidomastoid muscle that connects the chest bone, to the collar bone to the bone at the base of your head. This muscle was never formed properly while you were developing as a baby in the womb, as such it is often a tighter and stiffer muscle. If correctly diagnosed and treated as a baby and over the growing years from brith to 21 years old, the impact of Torticollis is minimal as an adult. Unfortunately, many mild cases of Torticolliis is missed and children grow up into adults with a persistent head tilt and neck pain.
Luckily, you don’t have to put up with neck pain due to Torticollis for the rest of your life! At My Favourite Physio our Expert Physiotherapists are able to correctly diagnose the case of your neck pain and effectively treat it using a variety of techniques and strategies. To find out more about how we can help you overcome your neck pain, ring My Favourite Physio
on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Physiotherapists today!
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