03 Nov Been told some challenging news this week
Been told some challenging news this week
Did a Medical Specialist tell you that your child will never walk
Or Perhaps you just found out that a loved one has been diagnosed with Cancer
Life can really throw you a curve ball just when you least expect it. No one is spared challenging moments in life. We often don’t have any control about when or why these situations happen and we certainly do feel stressed , upset
and angry
about the situations. However, deciding right from the start how you are going to respond to the situation is important in determining what the outcome is.
Yes, it is important to be aware of the facts of any medical condition, so that you can make informed decisions on what options of interventions you would choose. However, don’t forget that medicine is not always black and white rather it is a spectrum of greys. There is always a chance that your child or your loved ones will be that 0.1% who beats the odds and learns to walk
or to beat the Cancer to live a good life for another 20 years!
Here at My Favourite Physio, we see that happen everyday. Little ones whose parents have been told that their child has Cerebral Palsy or rare genetic conditions who will likely never walk
, by undergoing Intensive Early Intervention with our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists, have gone on to learn to walk!
We have seen adult patients who have been told that they have Cancer and the risks of complications and the odds of survival, not only beat the Cancer but go on to live a healthy active life for many more years.
What do these adults and children have in common to allow them to overcome these challenges successfully
1. Tenacity- the willingness and strength to keep taking action to fight the odds each day. Turning up to therapy every week, several times a week, consistently working hard and taking actions to strengthen the body.
2. Positive Mindset – Believing that it is possible to have a successful positive outcome.Having a Health Professional Team
who is able to provide the support and effective strategies to achieve the positive outcomes and goals we set together!
Take heart, it is possible!