Did you know that your lower back pain could actually be coming from your pelvis?

Did you know that your lower back pain could actually be coming from your pelvis?

Lower back pain is often one of the most common conditions treated. However it is also one of the most complex at times and poorly diagnosed area. This is because lower back pain can come from not only the spine but the pelvis also. The pelvis is where the spine inserts into along with the hips. When injury occurs in the hip or pelvis region it can mimic lower back pain. Some common issues can be excessive stiffness in the sacrum region which is the middle part of your pelvis causing poor movement in the pelvis or excessive laxity in the sacrum region which can cause instability in the pelvis leading to pain.

This is where an expert physiotherapist is required to get the right diagnosis through detailed assessment to provide the correct treatment. Just because pain is located in the lower back does not mean that the spine is the source of the pain. If you have failed to get results for your lower back pain why don’t you contact My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio and speak to one of our expert physiotherapists today. Our physiotherapist can deliver outcomes and give you the correct guidance to help you overcome your pain by going through a detailed assessment of your lower back and pelvis today.