Doing squats to tone and strengthen your gluteus muscles instead you’re experiencing hip and back pain 

Doing squats to tone and strengthen your gluteus muscles 🦵instead you’re experiencing hip and back pain 🥴
Did you know improving your hip and ankle mobility to improve your squats🤔

🏋️Squats are a fantastic exercise to strengthen your lower limbs and core. However if done with poor technique or if done with existing soft tissue injuries it can cause a muscle imbalance to occur and make you develop poor squatting patterns leading to increase risk 😰 of injuries and may stop you from achieving your personal goals.

When it comes to squatting a common presentation we see is that people with poor squatting form tend to have poor hip and ankle mobility. 🦵This may be due to injuries in the past or due to general anatomy. If the hip and ankle mobility issue is not addressed, a bio mechanically good squat form cannot be achieved leading to muscle imbalance, injury and limitations in lifting capacity. 😱

Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists are able to analyse your squats and come up with a solution for you whether it be hitting your personal best goals, 🏋️overcoming pain or improving form. Remember the key 🔑 to improving your squats is to understand your body better. If you are dealing with lower back pain from squats, or failing to hit your personal best goals squatting, ring My Favourite Physio 📱on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Physiotherapists 🤓today! Find out how can we help you overcome your back pain to improve your squatting form! 🚀🚀🚀

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