17 Nov Does it take 5-10 steps before the pain in your heel eases up so that you can get to the bathroom in the morning without limping
Does it take 5-10 steps before the pain in your heel eases up so that you can get to the bathroom in the morning without limping
Do you experience heel pain after being on your feet for a while
Does your heel pain get worse when you run or exercise
If you have answered Yes to the above statements, then you are likely to have Plantar fascitis.
Plantar fasciitis refers to the inflammation of the plantar fascia, a piece of strong, thick fibrous band that runs along the bottom of the foot. It connects the heel bone to the toes, creating the arch of the foot. One of the main role of the Plantar Fascia is to keep the foot bones and joints in position and allows us to push off from the ground.
Bruising or overstretching this Plantar Fascia ligament can cause inflammation and heel pain. In many cases, plantar fasciitis is associated with a heel spur – a bony growth at the base of the heel bone.
The heel spur itself does not cause pain, and may often be found in the other foot without symptoms.
There are many other possible causes for heel pain, and it is important to have your heel pain correctly assessed by an Expert Physiotherapist
to determine the correct diagnosis and treatment plan for your heel pain. The treatment strategies for heel pain includes icing, Radial Shockwave Therapy, Correct Footwear
to suit your feet structure, orthotics, Dynamic or Rigid taping, stretching and strengthening exercises for your foot, calf and leg
muscles as well as correcting your posture and walking or running pattern.
Often times, at My Favourite Physio, we see clients who have been misdiagnosed with their heel pain and getting the incorrect treatment which has resulted in further pain and limitations in function. So if you have been receiving treatment for your heel
pain, but just isn’t overcoming your heel pain to get back to active pain free living, ring My Favourite Physio
on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Physiotherapists to find out how we can help you.
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