Did you know that reading  and sharing stories with your little one is one of the best things you can do to help your child get a head start in life 

Did you know that reading 📖 and sharing stories with your little one 👶🏻👧is one of the best things you can do to help your child get a head start in life 🤔

Here are 5 Great Reasons to reading and sharing a story with your child.

Reading and sharing stories can:

#1. help your child get to know sounds, words and language, and develop early literacy skills 🗣
#2. learn to value books and stories
spark your child’s imagination 🤔and stimulate curiosity
#3. help your child’s brain🧠, social skills and communication skills develop
#4. help your child learn the difference between ‘real’ and ‘make-believe’🤗
#5. help your child understand change and new or frightening 🥴events, and also the strong emotions that can go along with them.

Sharing stories with your child doesn’t mean you have to read. 🤓 Just by looking at books with your child, you can be a great storyteller and a good model for using language and books. 📚Your child will learn by watching you hold a book the right way and seeing how you move through the book by gently turning the pages.

So if you haven’t been reading 📖or sharing stories with your child, why not start today? Make it a bedtime routine, just after brushing their teeth and before going to bed each day. Your child will enjoy the special reading and cuddle time with you each night 🥰

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