03 Feb It’s Back To School Tomorrow!
It’s Back To School Tomorrow! It’s an exciting day for the Little Ones
who are starting Big School for the first time. Here’s 3 Top Tips on how to ensure that your Little One starts their new journey into Big School successfully.
Tip #1:
Help your child to pack their bag the night before so that they are prepared for the next day and know what to expect. This is a great habit to start because it will be a success habit to have for the rest of their school life and into their working life. You might have to help guide your child on what to pack and how to pack their bag. Have a checklist,
so they don’t forget anything. Teach them to pack from back to front of the bag, with the heaviest things closest to the back of the school bag.
Tip #2:
Teach your child to carry their own school bag at all times. If your child doesn’t have to carry an assigned School Bag, make sure you get a good school bag with a supportive back structure and thick straps to distribute weight equally on the shoulders. Adjust the shoulder straps to fit your child’s height. If you carry your child’s school bag, then the straps will be adjusted to your height, which will cause the school bag to hang too low on your child when they have to carry it in and out of school. This will place increased stress on your child’s lower back,
causing back pain. Again, learning to carry a bag that is correctly adjusted to their height and built is a life long skill that will benefit them into adulthood, ensuring that they do not hurt their lower backs as teenagers when the school bag becomes heavier with books and laptops.
Tip #3:
Help your child to establish a lifelong habit of reading and the love for learning by reading for 15 mins every night. At Kindergarten this will be reading Home Readers that your child brings home each week. Make it a habit to read your Home Readers
each day, so that the words become familiar and your child learns to read better. It is also a great opportunity to spend some quality time together at the end of your day.
Comment 1,2 or 3 to let us know which Tip is the most helpful for you.