03 Feb Struggling with jaw stiffness and tightness
Struggling with jaw stiffness and tightness
Feeling like you want to crack your jaws for relief
Been to the jaw specialist and found little or no issues in the jaw
If you answered yes to any of the above statements, then your jaw stiffness may be due to a dysfunction in your upper neck joints!
With jaw stiffness and discomfort it is easy to think only about the jaw joints but in a lot of the cases it isn’t your jaw joints but your neck joints that is producing symptoms in your jaw! Having a thorough assessment is the key
to working out the cause of your jaw stiffness and pain, and the amount of contribution from the your neck joints!
Stiffness and pain in the upper joints of the neck can result in a hyper sensitised brain stem to sends messages to the brain which interprets the message as pain leading to headaches and in some cases into unique symptoms such as jaw tightness and dizziness in the head!
Luckily there is a solution for your jaw stiffness and pain! By correcting the stiffness and pain in the upper joints of the neck, we can change the signals going to the hyper sensitised brain stem which them stops the brain from interpreting the message as jaw stiffness and pain!
This can be done using gentle sustained pressures over the area of the neck joint that is reproducing your jaw tightness symptoms.
Our Expert physiotherapists here at My Favourite Physio have undertaken specialised headache training and are able to effectively treat all types of headaches and associated symptoms. We are able to provide you with the correct diagnosis and a safe and medication free treatment option.
If you have already seen jaw specialists, doctors, dentists and tried medication but found no relief for your jaw stiffness and pain, then ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to book an appointment with one of our Expert physiotherapists
today! We can run through a detailed assessment to work out whether your neck is the culprit behind you jaw stiffness and pain.
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