27 Feb
Are you experiencing constant pressure around the head Tried everything such as massaging, getting brain
scans and taking medication
with limited relief for your headache
Are your headaches holding you back in life 
You may be experiencing a type of headache that presents as pressure rather than a throbbing head pain.
Feeling pressure build up in the head is actually a common symptom that occurs with problems arising in the upper joints of your neck. However the problem is most therapists and health professionals
do not regularly screen the upper joints of your neck and often miss the problem leading to prolonged symptoms and no solutions for your pressure symptoms in the head.
Luckily here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists are trained Headache and Migraine Therapists. Using a 3 Step Headache Elimination Assessment, our Expert Physiotherapists will assess the upper neck joints and treat the dysfunction in the upper neck joints to effectively relief that pressure in your head.
Very often, our Expert Physiotherapists are able to reproduce your Headache
symptoms and resolve them immediately by using safe and gentle sustained pressures in the neck joints.
So you don’t have to put up with the pressure sensations in the head any longer. To book an appointment with one of our Expert Physiotherapists
for your headaches, migraines or pressure like symptoms in your head, ring My Favourite Physio
on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio today. Let us help you live life painfree!
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