18 February 2022 is International Asperger’s Awareness Day.😊

Asperger syndrome (AS), also known as Asperger’s, is a developmental disorder characterised by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. As a milder autism spectrum disorder (ASD), it differs from other ASDs by relatively normal language and intelligence.

The exact cause of Asperger’s is unknown. 🧐While it is largely inherited, the underlying genetics have not been determined conclusively. Environmental factors are also believed to play a role.

International Asperger’s Awareness Day aims to highlight the significance of Asperger syndrome for both society and individuals, also illustrates one of the many challenges to the newcomer trying to understand the autism spectrum. To find out more about Asperger’s syndrome or to access support and services go to https://a4.org.au/

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