😬Does your child with Down Syndrome throw tantrums whenever they find an activity challenging 😬Finding that therapies are not effective because your child👦 keeps throwing tantrums to avoid tasks

Often little ones with Down syndrome 👦have low muscle tone which make learning to move challenging for them and they will protest or throw a tantrum😭 to avoid the activity. However, the key to overcoming the behavioural tantrums is in setting clear boundaries and goals for a child so that they are able to learn new skills to improve their gross motor skills.

At My Favourite Physio, we met Master S who is 3 years old and has Down Syndrome. Master S is walking independently, but he often trips and falls because of his low muscle tone. He is able to say 1-2 word phrases but often communicates non verbally. He has many behavioural tantrums 😭when he does not get what he wants. His parents came to physiotherapy because they wanted to help him learn to walk and run without tripping and falling. Our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists assessed his gross motor skills, walking pattern and muscle strength. We determined that he would benefit from Harnessed Treadmill Walking to strengthen his core muscles and leg muscles. While on the Harnessed Treadmill, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapist also worked on his communication skills, encouraging eye contact 👁and requesting.

Within 2 sessions, Master S went from throwing a tantrum on the Harnessed Treadmill to running in to have his harnessed put on and getting onto the Treadmill to walk. 😃He would request for songs on the iPad with prompting, and soon was chatting in 5-6 word phrases as he walked on the Harnessed Treadmill. Over the weeks, his improved behaviour and compliance led to improved gross motor skills, balancing on the Bosu Ball, riding a stationary bike and jumping on the trampoline. His parents reported less tantrums at home and at childcare.

So if you are concerned 🥺about your child with Down Syndrome not learning new skills because of their tantrums, reach out to My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓today.