Is your child 🧒 waking up to have breakfast each day before going to school 🏫

The health benefits of breakfast 🍳are really important, especially for young people. Studies have linked eating breakfast with improved English and Maths skills in school children! 🥇👨‍🎓

It is important for your child 🧒 to eat something nutritious each morning to re-fuel for the busy day ahead. Breakfast is an ideal opportunity to eat foods which are rich in B vitamins, folate, iron and fibre.💪

Skipping breakfast may affect your child’s concentration or leave them feeling ‘fuzzy’. 😳 This is because the brain is starving for energy and needs fuel from nutritious foods like grainy bread, 🥖 breakfast cereals, fruit 🍌and milk 🥛so it can function at its very best throughout the day.

If you are finding your child is tired 😴 and lethargic at school and not able to concentrate in class, the solution might just be having a healthy breakfast to start their day right! 🍳

If your child is having a healthy breakfast and still having trouble concentrating 😑 in class or struggling with keeping up with their peers in sports or schoolwork, why not reach out to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists today on 📱(02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio. There are many reasons why a child might be struggling at school, and speaking to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists can help you figure out 🧐 what is the cause of your concerns.

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