Are you looking for help with your 🤕headaches and migraines Have you seen many health professionals for your headaches and still had poor outcomes 😳 Are you tired of taking medications that provide minimal relief for your headaches 😣

Did you know that current research shows that headaches 🤕 and migraines come from disorders in the first 3 joints of the neck. The pattern of your headaches and pain distributions on your head and neck will indicate which neck joint is causing your headaches and migraines. .

🧐At My Favourite Physio, Our Expert Physiotherapists are specially trained in the Watson Headache 🤕 Approach to diagnose and effectively treat Headaches and Migraines! The Watson Headache Approach is a method of assessing the first 3 neck joints to determine if the neck is the cause of headache and migraine symptoms, as well as a systematic approach of treatment using gentle manual therapy techniques to correct the dysfunction in the first 3 neck joints to reduce headache and migraine symptoms. The Watson Headache Approach is an effective medication free solution for headaches and migraines which are a result of dysfunction in the first 3 neck joints.

So if you are frustrated with Headaches and Migraines constantly ruining your plans for the day, reach out to My Favourite Physio 📱on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio today to book a 3 Step Headache and Migraines Solution session with one of our Expert Physiotherapists.💪