Migraine attacks can have a serious impact in our lives. 🧐 Symptoms of Migraines include severe headaches🤕, dizziness, nausea, vomiting 🤮, visual disturbances, even increased sensitivity to noise, taste, light and smells! 👃

For some people, their symptoms of Migraines are so severe that they are unable to move or get up off the bed 🛌 This means that they are unable to go to work, drive, 🚗 pick up or drop off their children to school, carry out any of their errands or activities of daily living. 😳😳😳

These Migraines attacks can last from hours, to days and for some people these cycles of Migraine attacks can happen a few times a week or, every month, every couple of months or every year. 📅

Some people can predict 🧐when they are about to experience a Migraine attack while for others a Migraine attack can suddenly come on unexpectedly. 😱

No matter what the symptoms of Migraines, here at My Favourite Physio,🤓 we want to help those experiencing migraines live a better quality of life.🚀🚀🚀 Our Expert Physiotherapists are Headache and Migraine Speciality trained and we have been achieving great outcomes for our clients. 💪 So whether you have only started experiencing Migraines in the past few months or have a long history of Migraines and Headaches, we are able to help relief your Headache and Migraine symptoms to improve your quality of life. 😊 To find out more, ring My Favourite Physio on 📱(02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Physiotherapists and let us help you today!

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